The games industry is "broken" say the CWA - so they're building an "industry-wide union"
The Communications Workers of America (CWA) are set to launch an industry-wide union of video game workers in the U.S. and Canada at this year's GDC. The United Videogame Workers-CWA (UVW-CWA) will bring together "video game artists, writers, designers, QA testers, programmers, freelancers and beyond to build worker power irrespective of studio and current job status". Read more

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) are set to launch an industry-wide union of video game workers in the U.S. and Canada at this year's GDC. The United Videogame Workers-CWA (UVW-CWA) will bring together "video game artists, writers, designers, QA testers, programmers, freelancers and beyond to build worker power irrespective of studio and current job status".