
Why I Decided to Give My New E-Book Away for Free (and ...

Giving away a book for free might seem like a strange decision. After all, w...

The Challenges and Rewards of Large Format Photography

The way people shape the landscape reveals what they fear and value. In plac...

Direct Flash: When and How to Use It Effectively

Lighting can make or break a shot, and sometimes, bouncing flash or relying ...

Vermont Student’s Yearbook Photo Rejected Over Firearm,...

The rejection of a Mill River High School student’s yearbook photo featuring...

How Clothing Choices Impact Your Portraits

The way your subject dresses changes how an image feels and where the viewer...

Briese Focus 77: My Favorite Light

I have been secretly switching lighting systems. In fact, I would struggle t...

Mastering Autofocus: Key Techniques for Sharper Photos

Great autofocus performance isn’t just about pressing a button. While modern...

Is Sony Going to Surprise Us With the RX1R III?

Every year, die-hard fans of the RX1R II ask if Sony will answer their praye...

Why Photography Skills Alone Won’t Make You Money

Being a skilled photographer isn’t enough if no one sees your work. Talent a...

Which Photoshop Tools Are Becoming Obsolete?

Seven Photoshop tools that were once essential are now facing competition fr...

What I Learned From Intentional Camera Movement Photogr...

I’ve been practicing intentional camera movement occasionally for some years...

What Makes a Photo Stand Out? A Breakdown of Strong Com...

Great composition makes a photo compelling, guiding the viewer’s eye to what...

Freefly Ember S2.5K Slow-Motion Camera Review

I recently had the chance to use the Freefly Ember S2.5K, and at $25,000, th...

Autofocus Tricks You Need to Know to Get the Hardest Shots

Autofocus has been an unfathomably large jump in user experience for photogr...

The Best Photography Upgrade Doesn’t Cost a Dime

New camera gear can be exciting, but the novelty wears off fast. If you’ve e...

Why You Need to Understand This Lighting Technique

Even if you have no interest in lighting theories or filmmaking, you will ha...

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