Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio: Training for operators and residents for a new concept of hospitality

Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio is launching new hospitality paradigms, focusing on local business support, training for residents, and enhancing visitor engagement. The article Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio: Training for operators and residents for a new concept of hospitality first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

Mar 25, 2025 - 13:07
Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio: Training for operators and residents for a new concept of hospitality
Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio

Hospitality according to new paradigms, with the strong support of local tourism businesses: this is the new challenge that Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio intends to launch, sharing a strategy with the main partners of the hospitality industry – from hoteliers to traders – that also includes training courses and concretely involves residents as well.

Vice President of Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio, Cinzia Chiaramonti, with Pier Carlo Testa, President

For Pier Carlo Testa, President of the regional association that brings together thousands of Tuscan travel agencies, many of which operate in the Incoming sector, the time is ripe for this change: “The time has come to relaunch the culture of hospitality and think of a series of targeted initiatives such as training for residents and operators, promoting real courses on hospitality with ‘smart’ and captivating formulas, thus triggering that necessary multicultural interaction that can finally induce residents to look at the guest who visits the city, with a proactive approach.”

Vice President Cinzia Chiaramonti adds: “The tourism industry is a fundamental resource for the Italian economy. Its role must therefore be recognized and affirmed and all instrumental demonizations of our work must be rejected. Everyone must realize the volume of direct and induced profits that tourism brings to the economic fabric. We must overcome the current phase of disorganization of flows and make a leap in quality to truly govern a phenomenon that is now out of control, largely due to the high percentag of illegal activities that proliferate undisturbed. Residents must not be treated as spectators, but as a fundamental element in making a destination come alive and therefore one of the actors in play. Those who visit our cities must not find a hostile human environment. We must be proud to propose our lifestyle and the beauties that we all have in temporary custody”.

The article Fiavet Toscana-Confcommercio: Training for operators and residents for a new concept of hospitality first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.