Xaoc’s Samarkanda is a massive, patchable delay and audio mangler
It's a quad digital delay with a bunch of patch points in its sprawling 42HP. But Xaoc Devices' new Samarkanda and its audio buffer can transform into a lot more, from granulators to loopers to resonators - basically, anything you can build out of its four independent delays. It might be the most powerful re-patchable effect we've ever seen. The post Xaoc’s Samarkanda is a massive, patchable delay and audio mangler appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.

It's a quad digital delay with a bunch of patch points in its sprawling 42HP. But Xaoc Devices' new Samarkanda and its audio buffer can transform into a lot more, from granulators to loopers to resonators - basically, anything you can build out of its four independent delays. It might be the most powerful re-patchable effect we've ever seen.
The post Xaoc’s Samarkanda is a massive, patchable delay and audio mangler appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.