The SINoALICE Manga Final Volume Brings Characters Together
Listen, I don’t know if a lot of other people feel this way, but I still get genuinely sad about SINoALICE shutting down. I thought the concept for the Square Enix mobile game ended up being great. It was fun to play! Some of the SINoALICE characters turned out to be equal parts fascinating and heartbreaking. I kept up with the manga from Yoko Taro, Takuto Aoki, Himiko, and Jino, as it felt like a way to still support the series and go through a story with folks I (virtually) rooted for. Now that the final volume of the SINoALICE manga is here, it’s a bittersweet experience that brings back heartbreak, though volume 6 still offers a new sense of resolution and closure. Editor’s Note: There will be spoilers for the events of the SINoALICE manga leading up to the final volume. If you are coming in to the SINoALICE manga with this as your first volume, turn right back around. It’s completely impossible. So much important context and events are brought up prior to this. If you did follow along, well, then it’s just the ultimate conclusion of all the people who were fighting in the hopes of getting what they want possibly making a dream come true. Things begin with Parrah and Noya telling the Game Master Gretel that there would be no winner in this death game, there’s no master, and that basically the two of them would be the only thing coming close to a “winner.” Gretel refuses to accept that. Which means right away, we’re dealing with the aftermath of people’s lives being toyed with. Image via Square Enix But before we can even digest that, there’s the other consequences of the death game’s actions. Alice, Snow White, Dorothy, and Cinderella all managed to survive and defeat Red Riding Hood. But, there’s no rest, as she’s essentially become a black hole because of her desire. And while some of these figures are “safe,” we see Sleeping Beauty on the verge of being a casualty and Pinocchio ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of her and Snow. But even though people could be fleeing or turning on each other, we’re seeing everyone come together. They’re trying to do all they can to survive, even perhaps for the sake of others if not themselves. So even if people had negative traits prior to this, they’re getting a chance at redemption. Which means when Gretel unites with the other SINoALICE characters, we get this grand “boss fight.” There’s this opportunity to really settle things. It isn’t like when the game ended. It feels more like it’s on the proper terms. Like the manga is really addressing the situation in the right way and more definitively closing out the story. Plus by bringing Alice, Snow, Cinderella, Dorothy, and Gretel together for this final push against Red, it’s like destiny is being taken into their own hands. I also appreciated how the closing of the SINoALICE manga brings everything back to both “reality” and the Act of Impulse characters who started it all. Dorothy aside, we’re really back to the core “heroes” of Alice, Snow White, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, and Gretel again. We’re coming full circle. So when the actual end arrives, I felt like the conclusion and winner felt especially appropriate and poignant. Getting through the SINoALICE manga is satisfying, even though this tale and fates of characters can be as tragic as the outcomes in the game. However, it’s heartening too! We get to see these people fight back. They take their destinies into their own hands. They don’t just accept the outcome of a possible death game, and they move forward. Not to mention, it’s nice to have something tangible to remember the series by. It’s well worth following along and finishing this saga. The final volume of the SINoALICE manga is available via Square Enix, and all previous five volumes are also available via the company. The post The SINoALICE Manga Final Volume Brings Characters Together appeared first on Siliconera.

Listen, I don’t know if a lot of other people feel this way, but I still get genuinely sad about SINoALICE shutting down. I thought the concept for the Square Enix mobile game ended up being great. It was fun to play! Some of the SINoALICE characters turned out to be equal parts fascinating and heartbreaking. I kept up with the manga from Yoko Taro, Takuto Aoki, Himiko, and Jino, as it felt like a way to still support the series and go through a story with folks I (virtually) rooted for. Now that the final volume of the SINoALICE manga is here, it’s a bittersweet experience that brings back heartbreak, though volume 6 still offers a new sense of resolution and closure.
Editor’s Note: There will be spoilers for the events of the SINoALICE manga leading up to the final volume.
If you are coming in to the SINoALICE manga with this as your first volume, turn right back around. It’s completely impossible. So much important context and events are brought up prior to this. If you did follow along, well, then it’s just the ultimate conclusion of all the people who were fighting in the hopes of getting what they want possibly making a dream come true. Things begin with Parrah and Noya telling the Game Master Gretel that there would be no winner in this death game, there’s no master, and that basically the two of them would be the only thing coming close to a “winner.” Gretel refuses to accept that. Which means right away, we’re dealing with the aftermath of people’s lives being toyed with.
But before we can even digest that, there’s the other consequences of the death game’s actions. Alice, Snow White, Dorothy, and Cinderella all managed to survive and defeat Red Riding Hood. But, there’s no rest, as she’s essentially become a black hole because of her desire. And while some of these figures are “safe,” we see Sleeping Beauty on the verge of being a casualty and Pinocchio ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of her and Snow. But even though people could be fleeing or turning on each other, we’re seeing everyone come together. They’re trying to do all they can to survive, even perhaps for the sake of others if not themselves. So even if people had negative traits prior to this, they’re getting a chance at redemption.
Which means when Gretel unites with the other SINoALICE characters, we get this grand “boss fight.” There’s this opportunity to really settle things. It isn’t like when the game ended. It feels more like it’s on the proper terms. Like the manga is really addressing the situation in the right way and more definitively closing out the story. Plus by bringing Alice, Snow, Cinderella, Dorothy, and Gretel together for this final push against Red, it’s like destiny is being taken into their own hands.
I also appreciated how the closing of the SINoALICE manga brings everything back to both “reality” and the Act of Impulse characters who started it all. Dorothy aside, we’re really back to the core “heroes” of Alice, Snow White, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, and Gretel again. We’re coming full circle. So when the actual end arrives, I felt like the conclusion and winner felt especially appropriate and poignant.
Getting through the SINoALICE manga is satisfying, even though this tale and fates of characters can be as tragic as the outcomes in the game. However, it’s heartening too! We get to see these people fight back. They take their destinies into their own hands. They don’t just accept the outcome of a possible death game, and they move forward. Not to mention, it’s nice to have something tangible to remember the series by. It’s well worth following along and finishing this saga.
The final volume of the SINoALICE manga is available via Square Enix, and all previous five volumes are also available via the company.
The post The SINoALICE Manga Final Volume Brings Characters Together appeared first on Siliconera.