New League of Legends update makes dramatic changes to stop lane swaps
A new League of Legends update has just hit the PBE, and it features some rather severe changes aimed at putting a stop to lane swaps. The strategy has long been a point of contention in the MOBA, allowing teams to grab an early lead by moving their champions into other lanes to take advantage of the extra numbers. Now, Riot Games is taking a firm stance, rolling out a patch that lead gameplay designer Matt ‘Phroxzon’ Leung-Harrison calls “heavy handed by necessity,” admitting that it will lead to some “collateral damage” to other tactics in the interim as the developer works on longer-term solutions. Continue reading New League of Legends update makes dramatic changes to stop lane swaps MORE FROM PCGAMESN: League of Legends ranks explained, League of Legends Mythic shop rotation, LoL tier list

A new League of Legends update has just hit the PBE, and it features some rather severe changes aimed at putting a stop to lane swaps. The strategy has long been a point of contention in the MOBA, allowing teams to grab an early lead by moving their champions into other lanes to take advantage of the extra numbers. Now, Riot Games is taking a firm stance, rolling out a patch that lead gameplay designer Matt ‘Phroxzon’ Leung-Harrison calls “heavy handed by necessity,” admitting that it will lead to some “collateral damage” to other tactics in the interim as the developer works on longer-term solutions.
MORE FROM PCGAMESN: League of Legends ranks explained, League of Legends Mythic shop rotation, LoL tier list