The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from @pocketdumpdiary on Instagram
In This EDC Pen: Tactile Turn SwitchPry Bar: Oz Machine Co Pry StonewashedHank: Mighty HanksKnife: SPK “Lamia” Gen… The post The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from @pocketdumpdiary on Instagram appeared first on Everyday Carry.

In This EDC
Pen: Tactile Turn Switch
Pry Bar: Oz Machine Co Pry Stonewashed
Hank: Mighty Hanks
Knife: SPK “Lamia” Gen 4 in “Gellow” color (Discontinued)
Wallet: Rustic Heirloom x Carry Commission
Watch: Panerai “Luminor Marina” PAM00069 (Discontinued)
About This Everyday Carry
Southern CA / Marketing Director
Working in an office I have to be careful not to intimidate anyone with my knives, my SPK Lamia is probably the largest knife I’d carry outside the home at 3.3 in. It’s a great knife that’s collectible but also very useful, it just patinas with age! As for matches, I’ve told myself that I would not own no more than 3 nice and pricey watches and this Panerai Luminor Maria is one of them. This is a beautiful watch but Panerai’s have been taking a hit in value the last few years which means this one will stay put in my collection of 3. The Tactile Turn Switch pen is new to the collection and I love it, just writes and carries well. The Pry bar is from OZ Machine Co and is always great to have around so I don’t misuse my pen for prying. The wallet from Rustic Heirloom is a work horse as I’ve been carrying their wallets for the past 3 years!
I’ve been attempting to slim down my EDC gear for the past year. I want to just own and carry what gets used on a weekly basis, but it’s so dang difficult! LOL
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The post The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from @pocketdumpdiary on Instagram appeared first on Everyday Carry.