Severance S2E9 Review – Devour Feculence
I’m just imagining someone not familiar with Severance reading my title, but folks here’s my Severance S2E9 review.… The post Severance S2E9 Review – Devour Feculence appeared first on LRMonline.

I’m just imagining someone not familiar with Severance reading my title, but folks here’s my Severance S2E9 review. I do wonder how many people won’t release devour feculence means eat shit, but we shall see? This is a Full SPOILERS review folks If you want my quick thoughts before any spoilers begin, here you go.
The penultimate episode of Season 2, so this one as you’d guess involves a little set up of what is to come. Yet, at the same time, there are some absolute scenes in this week’s episode which should be discussed. Ultimately though, another weird and many layered entry into the Severance enigma.
**Episode 9 Full SPOILERS Below**
We get a little bit of everyone this week, so let’s start with the most important story we follow, if not my favourite of the Episode, Mark, Devon and…Cobel.
Honestly, not a great deal happens, Mark is sassy, Cobel is Cobel and Devon is trying to get Mark to stay calm, Ultimately though it becomes evident that the plan is to go to the birthing retreat, presumably to get to Mark S for some reason. Meanwhile Cobel stresses the importance of them getting to Gemma before work on Cold Harbor is completed, or she will be dead, for real.
This is the set up I’m sure for the finale, as Mark promises Milkshake he’ll be in to work tomorrow.
This may be the main thread of where this series is going logistically, to save Gemma. However, I feel like Episode 9 was more thematically about work/life balance which of course get’s the fundamentals of what Severance is about.
My Milkshake is better than yours
We’ve seen Milchik this season develop a but of a rebellious streak. It’s slow, but there’s a fire burning that wasn’t there before. Michik’s reaction to Mark taking a personal day, as he looked at the iceberg. The suggestion being of course that Milchik is starting to realise that there’s more to life than work and that his life only touches the tip of the iceberg. Whether those sparks will bear enough fruit to have him turn completely, that remains to be seen?
His beat down by Drummond though, what a scene and my favourite of this Episode. It’s only a minute or so, but we can see actor Trammel Tillman absolutley deliver acting wise. Then for him to go the other way, and tell Drummond to go devour feculence and then reduce it for him…chef’s kiss. We’re supposed to hate Milchik, but how can you hate when an employee finally stands up to their overbearing boss.
Meanwhile, we get to explore Innie versus Outtie through Dylan G’s break up, and eventually quitting of Lumon. It’s effectively suicide for an Innie to do so and that shows how Dylan reacts to this, after just one kiss. It again speaks to the idea that to feel like real humans we need both work and play, love, connections. Though, I though an Outtie had to agree to a quitting, as per Helly R in Season 1?
RELATED: Severance S2E8 Review – The Cobel Episode
As for Burt and Irving…I’m not sure what’s happening here. Was Irving in danger and that’s why Burt is making him leave? Just what did he do for Lumon and how is he still involved. Is that the end of Irving? senses would tell us Dylan G and Irving will be back somehow, but for the finale next week? I feel like neither of them are being completely honest with one another, and yet, also have feelings for one another. I’m not sure if I like it yet or not, because I’m not sure where we are going?
It was a little, weird if I’m honest, and yes, It’s Severance I know. But that’s what I man about needing to wait and see. If this story goes nowhere in the finale or Season 3, then I may wonder what was the point of it in the first place. Or, I may be now seeing what they were signposting to us this week.
The Really Weird
I’m not going to let this episode go by and not get into the really weird stuff, with Helena and Jame. What is it with eating in this program? He wants to watch her eat eggs, which she doesn’t seem to like much and he would prefer she eat them raw, like Kier. Very bizarre, then add in all Cobel said that Devon was one of Jame’s to get them in to the lodge. Does anyone get the feeling that Jame, if it is Jame and not Keir, is artificially inseminating folks with his DNA? I mean, all the blue eyes in Salt Neck last week were, odd.
Is he unable to eat, was that really coffee, and why has he turned up on the severed floor to see Helly? Jame is a creepy sum’bitch that’ for sure. I’m starting to wonder if he’s also a bit of sexual predator and that’s why everyone is ‘Kier’s children’. They picked an actor with a such a punchable face as well.
It’s the finale next week folks. This was a weird one, but also had some goods scenes. I’m just not sure whether we get a final next weeks that makes some of this make sense and the finale feels earned.
I find it tricky to grade this one…
Worth it for the small Milkshake rebellion alone. Yet, one of the more out there episodes, so far.
Let me know your thoughts on Severance S2E9, or what you thought about my review below.
The post Severance S2E9 Review – Devour Feculence appeared first on LRMonline.