Icelandic Creators of Berlinale Series Market Selects’ ‘Vigdís’ on Biopic of Former President: ‘She Was a Role Model to Generations of Women’
“Vigdís,” the four-part biopic about Iceland’s iconic former president Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, widely known as the world’s first democratically elected female head of state, will bow Feb. 17 at the Berlinale Series Market Selects, courtesy of REinvent International. The show – which chronicles Finnbogadóttir’s journey from 1948, when she finished secondary school, up until her presidential […]
“Vigdís,” the four-part biopic about Iceland’s iconic former president Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, widely known as the world’s first democratically elected female head of state, will bow Feb. 17 at the Berlinale Series Market Selects, courtesy of REinvent International. The show – which chronicles Finnbogadóttir’s journey from 1948, when she finished secondary school, up until her presidential […]