Grab Ace Attorney and Devil May Cry games at their lowest prices on Steam Deck
Few developers are as renowned and varied as Capcom, but if you’re looking to slice-and-dice devilish monsters in games like Devil May Cry, tuck into a horror adventure with Resident Evil, or put your lawyer skills to the test with Ace Attorney, Capcom has it. Whether you’re missing some entries and looking to catch up in a series, or you’re going to pile your library up with various games, this Capcom Bundle from Fanatical has a range of titles at excellent prices. Continue reading Grab Ace Attorney and Devil May Cry games at their lowest prices on Steam Deck

Few developers are as renowned and varied as Capcom, but if you’re looking to slice-and-dice devilish monsters in games like Devil May Cry, tuck into a horror adventure with Resident Evil, or put your lawyer skills to the test with Ace Attorney, Capcom has it. Whether you’re missing some entries and looking to catch up in a series, or you’re going to pile your library up with various games, this Capcom Bundle from Fanatical has a range of titles at excellent prices.