Monster Hunter Wilds Playtime: Is It as Long as Monster Hunter World and Rise?

Is it as long as previous Monster Hunters? The post Monster Hunter Wilds Playtime: Is It as Long as Monster Hunter World and Rise? appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

Feb 28, 2025 - 22:17
Monster Hunter Wilds Playtime: Is It as Long as Monster Hunter World and Rise?
Monster Hunter Wilds playtime is it as long as World Rise
Image Credit: Capcom

If you’re a longtime fan of the series, you’re probably wondering if Monster Hunter Wilds is as long as Monster Hunter World and Rise. Of course, how long it takes to beat Monster Hunter Wilds will differ from person to person, and the number largely depends on how much post-game content you intend to engage with. However, we’ll do our best to compare this game’s average playtime with the past two entries below.

Spoilers below!

How long does it take to beat Monster Hunter Wilds compared to World and Rise?

The main story of Monster Hunter Wilds is considerably shorter than Worlds and Rise. Here are the averages we’ve found for the three games:

Not only is the story in Wilds fairly brisk, but the game’s difficulty is significantly lower than the previous two entries. If you’ve played World or Rise, you’ll have little problem breezing through the low-rank hunts and clearing the credits. I wasn’t downed once during the story and found even the final boss trivial.

There’s still an extensive post-game and more to discover in Wilds after the credits roll. There are two additional chapters after the main story ends, where you’ll go on high-rank hunts and raise your hunter rank to unlock additional monsters to face.

I found Wilds to be pretty disappointing overall. The low difficulty left me with little feeling of accomplishment, and even the high-rank hunts can be cleared with little issue. I played through all of the content solo, so those who play co-op might find the game more engaging. Hopefully, future updates and the inevitable expansion will improve things for the better. World and Rise didn’t feel complete to me until Iceborne and Sunbreak were released, so I’ll wait until then to cast my final judgment.

The post Monster Hunter Wilds Playtime: Is It as Long as Monster Hunter World and Rise? appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.