Meet the crew documenting the bars, pizza parlors, and back rooms that make up the American fighting game scene
For decades, video games have been a social venture for many. This has its roots in the arcade era, before home consoles and LED-laden gaming PCs led the gaming enthusiasts away from the outside world and into the comfort of their own homes. These social spaces are still around in LANs, gaming cafes, and tournaments, but have shrunk far from their relevance in the hearts of the many. You used to meet Greg face to face playing Counter Strike Source or Street Fighter 2 out on the town. Now, Greg's face has been replaced with a Clannad profile picture on Discord. Times have changed. Read more

For decades, video games have been a social venture for many. This has its roots in the arcade era, before home consoles and LED-laden gaming PCs led the gaming enthusiasts away from the outside world and into the comfort of their own homes. These social spaces are still around in LANs, gaming cafes, and tournaments, but have shrunk far from their relevance in the hearts of the many. You used to meet Greg face to face playing Counter Strike Source or Street Fighter 2 out on the town. Now, Greg's face has been replaced with a Clannad profile picture on Discord. Times have changed.