‘Meanwhile on Earth’ Review: Aliens Use Human Bodies to Experience Our Planet in Cleverly Executed Sci-Fi Drama From ‘I Lost My Body’ Director
Though it begins with its cinematic feet affixed to the ground, French writer-director Jérémy Clapin’s “Meanwhile on Earth,” his moody hybrid follow-up to the lyrical, Oscar-nominated animated feature “I Lost My Body,” soon launches beyond the stratosphere and into outer space. Adrift, Elsa (Megan Northam), a young caregiver with a talent for drawing, looks to the stars for answers about the whereabouts of her older brother Franck (voiced by Sébastien Pouderoux), a cosmonaut who never […]
Though it begins with its cinematic feet affixed to the ground, French writer-director Jérémy Clapin’s “Meanwhile on Earth,” his moody hybrid follow-up to the lyrical, Oscar-nominated animated feature “I Lost My Body,” soon launches beyond the stratosphere and into outer space. Adrift, Elsa (Megan Northam), a young caregiver with a talent for drawing, looks to the stars for answers about the whereabouts of her older brother Franck (voiced by Sébastien Pouderoux), a cosmonaut who never […]