A Heavy-Duty Disappearing Swing Mount for Fixed Tools
This Tool Swing was invented by Rich Meyer, a Nebraska-based fabricator. It's a way to store fixed tools like vises, bench grinders, chop saws, planers, tubing notchers and benders beneath your worksurface; when you need to access the tool you simply swing it out and up.Turning these two handles locks it into place.There's no word on cost, because there are no units in production; Meyer is looking to license his invention.

This Tool Swing was invented by Rich Meyer, a Nebraska-based fabricator. It's a way to store fixed tools like vises, bench grinders, chop saws, planers, tubing notchers and benders beneath your worksurface; when you need to access the tool you simply swing it out and up.
Turning these two handles locks it into place.
There's no word on cost, because there are no units in production; Meyer is looking to license his invention.