Reader Submitted: The Quadrant Shoebox and Bench is a Clever Solution to Shoe Storage and Use
We were working on one of life's most vexing problems: where to put your shoes. You can line them up like a baseboard of shoes, but good luck keeping that looking nice. You can have a shelf or hang them from the door, but that's a bit too prominent in any room. And where do you sit while you lace up? We started with a simple goal to design an efficient, modular shoe storage solution that includes a place to sit. Quadrant takes the efficiency of the wedge shape and rolls your shoes up under a gravity-defying bench. You can extend the bench by placing multiple Quadrants next to each other so everyone can have their own cubby. View the full project here

We were working on one of life's most vexing problems: where to put your shoes. You can line them up like a baseboard of shoes, but good luck keeping that looking nice. You can have a shelf or hang them from the door, but that's a bit too prominent in any room. And where do you sit while you lace up?
We started with a simple goal to design an efficient, modular shoe storage solution that includes a place to sit. Quadrant takes the efficiency of the wedge shape and rolls your shoes up under a gravity-defying bench. You can extend the bench by placing multiple Quadrants next to each other so everyone can have their own cubby.