Wheel Of Time Showrunner On His Hopes For Future Seasons

In a recent interview The Wheel of Time showrunner Rafe Judkins talks of his hopes for future Seasons… The post Wheel Of Time Showrunner On His Hopes For Future Seasons appeared first on LRMonline.

Feb 28, 2025 - 19:05
Wheel Of Time Showrunner On His Hopes For Future Seasons
Wheel Of Time Showrunner On His Hopes For Future Seasons

In a recent interview The Wheel of Time showrunner Rafe Judkins talks of his hopes for future Seasons of the show. At this moment in time The Wheel of Time has not been greenlit for Season 4. The success of Season 3 which premieres on March 13 will decide the future of the show on Amazon Prime.

In earlier days Judkins had said he hoped eventually to have 8 Seasons in total for the show. Speaking with SFX via their Games Radar site, Judkins now indicates it’s possible to wrap up the show in less than 8 seasons.

“I can see versions of the show that are six or seven seasons, but part of what makes the series great is the length. It’s one of the reasons people read it and it stands alone in that sense. But I’m always realistic,” he continues. “I’m sure everyone will be happy if they’re like, ‘Oh, can you just do a satisfying ending in season 4 because we don’t make shows that long anymore’.”

There’s simply no way to end the show with a final 4th season at this point. Not unless they just skip more than half the story. We are currently (with Season 3) on book 4 of 14 books. Now, there is some fluff that can be cut. I’m sure even the top books fans can probably imagine the plot of book 10 being cut, dramatically. Those final four books though? I’d struggle to cut much from those.

RELATED: Wheel Of Time Showrunner Rafe Judkins Talks Tear, Matt And Dreamwalking

“The truth is, the property doesn’t lend itself well to that. My job is to do everything I can to get it to the end and give you Jordan’s ending because it’s so powerful. It really does stick the landing. If we don’t, my job is to make sure we’re telling a great story up to that point.”

I agree that all Judkins can do is make each season he is given as good as he can with the idea he’ll have another to come. If I was in his boots and Amazon asked me to end the show on Season 4? I’d honestly walk and leave what I had done as is.

It boggles my brain that Amazon can greenlight Season 3 of Rings of Power with a complete new writing team. Yet, Wheel of Time, which per-cost of the show is actually more successful, is on a tightrope. Wheel of Time also has the advantage of having a book to adapt. The Rings of Power has gone so far outside of Tolkien’s books they really are in fan fiction territory now and failing badly.

Let’s hope Season 3 of The Wheel of Time is both good and a hit with viewers. Unless you hate it, in which case, I guess you won’t be watching?

What do you think of his comments as The Wheel of Time showrunner Rafe Judkins talks of his hopes for future Seasons of the show? Thoughts below as always.

The post Wheel Of Time Showrunner On His Hopes For Future Seasons appeared first on LRMonline.