The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from Tony L
In This EDC Wallet: Claasico Money ClipKnife: Benchmade Mini GriptilianMulti-tool: Leatherman SkeletoolEyewear: Calcutta Outdoors Sancho polarized sunglassesOther: Grinds… The post The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from Tony L appeared first on Everyday Carry.

In This EDC
Wallet: Claasico Money Clip
Knife: Benchmade Mini Griptilian
Multi-tool: Leatherman Skeletool
Eyewear: Calcutta Outdoors Sancho polarized sunglasses
Other: Grinds Coffee Pouches
Other: Chapstick Moisturizer Original Lip Balm
Other: Phalanx Concealment Kydex Dump Tray
About This Everyday Carry
Work in chemical plant manufacturing. These items get me through everyday, I’ll adjust as I feel needed, but this is my main carry load.
This is my daily load out no matter if I’m working or off or on vacation.
The dump tray is from phalanx concealment, veteran owned company
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The post The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from Tony L appeared first on Everyday Carry.