SZA Wanted To Appear On ‘Club Shay Shay,’ But Changed Her Mind After A ‘Tacky’ BBL Question For Another Guest

Getty Image SZA had previously admitted to being upset with herself over getting the unneeded work done.

Mar 11, 2025 - 21:31
SZA Wanted To Appear On ‘Club Shay Shay,’ But Changed Her Mind After A ‘Tacky’ BBL Question For Another Guest
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Ah, BBLs, the evergreen hot topic of podcasters and reality show mavens fishing for viral hits. The “Brazilian butt lift” has generated plenty of discourse since being popularized over the last decade and a half by rappers and pop culture commentators — and not all of it good.

A recent BBL question asked by Shannon Sharpe on his podcast Club Shay Shay may have cost him a big-name guest in SZA, who deemed his untimely query to fellow singer Coco Jones “tacky,” and noted it made her change her mind about being a guest on the show.

The interview was posted two weeks ago, but the show’s social team has been posting clips as recently as five days ago, all with the sorts of salacious titles designed to prompt internet users’ lizard brains to click. One such clip revolved around the above-mentioned BBL question.

“Recently, SZA came out and said she regretted getting a BBL,” Sharpe noted. “Have you talked to anyone that regret it, like, ‘Whatever you do, don’t do this?'” While Coco handled the question adroitly, offering an opposing perspective, SZA clocked the clip, calling out the host in the comments on Instagram.

“Lmaooo now why would this be a question for coco,” she wrote. “Poor baby she handled it well now Shay Shay.” In a separate comment, she also wrote, “Incredibly tacky .. I wanted to come here too, dah well.”

The question was prompted by SZA’s own response to a similar inquiry in a British Vogue interview. “I’m so mad I did that sh*t,” she admitted. “I gained all this weight from being immobile while recovering and trying to preserve the fat. It was just so stupid. But who gives a f*ck. You got a BBL, you realize you didn’t need that sh*t. It doesn’t matter.”

Let that be a lesson to you aspiring journalists out there; controversy may sell, but you’ll never know what opportunities courting controversy could cost you in the long run.