Gianluca Scavo, CEO of AIM Group International, re-elected President of the Assolombarda Tourism Group

Gianluca Scavo, re-elected President of Assolombarda Tourism Group, prioritizes promotion, education, and digitalisation for tourism sector growth from 2024-2028. The article Gianluca Scavo, CEO of AIM Group International, re-elected President of the Assolombarda Tourism Group first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

Mar 11, 2025 - 09:03
Gianluca Scavo, CEO of AIM Group International, re-elected President of the Assolombarda Tourism Group
Gianluca Scavo

Promotion, education and digitalisation are the priorities of the new Council, which also sees the re-election of most of the other members, in order to continue on the path of growth in the tourism sector started in the previous term. Gianluca Scavo, CEO of AIM Group International SpA, has been elected President of the Assolombarda Tourism Group for the period 2024–2028, confirming the confidence in his work with a second consecutive term. The association, which represents a strategic economic sector that includes PCOs, independent hotels, hotel chains, travel agencies, tour operators and companies active in the meetings industry, real estate and suppliers of products and services to the tourism industry, has opted for continuity by re-electing most of the other outgoing Council members. Assolombarda is a branch of Confindustria, the national industrial association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy.

Gianluca Scavo served as President of Assolombarda’s Tourism Group during the last council period (2020–2024), after serving as Vice-President of the same group from 2016 to 2020. Since 2010, he has been CEO of AIM Group International, a leading international company in the field of conferences, events and communications, with a turnover that has reach almost 100 million euros in 2023, with a double-digit growth rate.

“I would like to begin by thanking all the members of the 2020–2024 Council with whom we have worked over the past four years, tackling major issues and challenges, including the pandemic period that severely impacted the sector and the recovery, and creating a truly cohesive working group focused on common goals,” says Scavo. “For this reason, I am very pleased that the majority of the Council team has been reconfirmed for the next four years so that we can complete and develop the plan we have initiated to strengthen and grow the sector.”

In his new mandate, Gianluca Scavo aims to continue the work started, with a strong focus on digital innovation, education and supporting businesses in the sector through institutional advocacy. “Among the priorities of the new Council, we will work closely with local and regional administrations to support this important economic sector – which recorded 17.7 million arrivals and 45.5 million presences in Lombardy in 2023 – and work synergistically to promote the territory and attract visitors from all the different target groups.”

“Among the most important initiatives, the Tourism Desk, created on the Group’s initiative to support companies with fast and effective technical responses, will be strengthened and the development of the Tourism Observatory will continue, in collaboration with the Assolombarda Research Centre, to provide updated data and trends on the market,” Scavo continues. “Another key objective will be to work with universities and educational centres to adapt the skills of professionals to the needs of the market, facilitating the transfer of know-how to new generations.”

A major focus of the new Council will also be the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic Winter Games that Milan will host, which represent an extraordinary opportunity for long-term growth in tourism. “The Winter Olympics will be an unprecedented international showcase for Italy and our sector. But we must not limit ourselves to looking at the event: our goal is to use it as a driver for lasting and sustainable growth, leaving a positive legacy for years to come,” concluded Scavo.

The article Gianluca Scavo, CEO of AIM Group International, re-elected President of the Assolombarda Tourism Group first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.