$23 Extra Charge For Booking Frontier Airlines Tickets Online Looks a Lot Like Tax Fraud
You can only buy tickets in-person at limited hours, but you can't buy tickets during those hours. That means there's no real option to buy them in person, which means that booking online isn't a choice customers are making, and therefore the web booking fee is not optional. Yet Frontier still excludes these charges from their domestic airfare excise tax calculation. Continue reading $23 Extra Charge For Booking Frontier Airlines Tickets Online Looks a Lot Like Tax Fraud...

You can only buy tickets in-person at limited hours, but you can’t buy tickets during those hours. That means there’s no real option to buy them in person, which means that booking online isn’t a choice customers are making, and therefore the web booking fee is not optional. Yet Frontier still excludes these charges from their domestic airfare excise tax calculation.
Continue reading $23 Extra Charge For Booking Frontier Airlines Tickets Online Looks a Lot Like Tax Fraud…