"We are trying to finish this film, but our actors & crew keep disappearing." A wacky trailer is out for an indie horror film creation called
The WeedHacker Massacre, which will be premiering later this month at the 2025 Golden State Film Festival in Los Angeles, CA. Comedy and horror as a doomed film crew tries to remake another horror remake. A meta horror riff on trying to make indie horror film where
more horror happens. Created Allen Danziger, and directed by Jody Stelzig. A horror comedy about the college student Willie Wonder who drove 13 coeds out to the Earth Wind Music Fest in Red Eye, the illegal weed capital of Texas. Protected by his amazing Jheri-Curl hair, he survives after being shot in the head.
The WeedHacker Massacre stars
David Treviño,
Molly Sakonchick,
Bobbie Grace,
Sean Reyna,
Parrish Randall, and featuring
Allen Danziger as Sheriff Danzinshoos. Even this trailer is meta - they are also
looking for money for this project even though this is a riff on indie horror films trying to get any extra funding anyway. //
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