JoBlo Friday Night Flicks: Join us on our Valentine’s Day Live Stream! Love and movies!

Tonight! Join Kier Gomes of JoBlo Originals on YouTube for our latest Friday Night Flicks Live Stream at 8:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST. The post JoBlo Friday Night Flicks: Join us on our Valentine’s Day Live Stream! Love and movies! appeared first on JoBlo.

Feb 15, 2025 - 01:49
JoBlo Friday Night Flicks: Join us on our Valentine’s Day Live Stream! Love and movies!

The OFFICIAL JoBlo Originals’ Live Stream, Friday Night Flicks with Kier Gomes, is back! Today’s Valentine’s Day (and also the kick-off to a holiday weekend), and to mark the occasion, we’re gonna open things about a little to discuss two topics near and dear to our hearts: love and movies. That’s right, our own love doctor, Kier, is going to take a deep dive into some of the best movies ever made about that dreaded four-letter word…no not THAT one…L-O-V-E. So whether you happen to be alone of V-day or with the one you love, we’re gonna dig into our fave movies that hit us right in the feels. And, oh yeah, there’s also a new Marvel movie out just in case you didn’t notice, so we’re gonna talk about that too!

So, if you want to join the fun, you know where you need to be! You can watch the show on our JoBlo Originals channel (or via the embed above) – TONIGHT at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT.

So make sure to WATCH LIVE and participate in the chat!

What else would you like to hear Kier weigh in on the Live Stream tonight? Make sure to tune in TONIGHT at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT right HERE! Let us know in the comments!

The post JoBlo Friday Night Flicks: Join us on our Valentine’s Day Live Stream! Love and movies! appeared first on JoBlo.