Form Follows Function: Snow Peak's Folding Butane Stove for Camping
For some campers no cooking stove is necessary, as meals will be cooked over an open flame with fuel gathered on-site. However Snow Peak, the Japanese high-end outdoor gear brand, primarily targets car campers who will be bringing their own fuel. They've thus designed this Home & Camp Butane Stove, which is based around the form factor of a butane canister. The cooking platform folds out of the body, providing enough spread to hold a pot or pan steady. Unfolded, it can support a vessel up to 12" in diameter. You won't be needing your firestarter; the unit features an auto-igniter. And you can literally dial in the flame level.Comes in three colors. It's made of stainless steel and weighs 3 lbs. The asking price is $130. You can find lesser-quality Chinese knockoffs on Amazon for less than half that, from companies you've never heard of, and with no guarantee. In contrast, Snow Peak offers a lifetime guarantee on their products. You get what you pay for.

For some campers no cooking stove is necessary, as meals will be cooked over an open flame with fuel gathered on-site. However Snow Peak, the Japanese high-end outdoor gear brand, primarily targets car campers who will be bringing their own fuel. They've thus designed this Home & Camp Butane Stove, which is based around the form factor of a butane canister. The cooking platform folds out of the body, providing enough spread to hold a pot or pan steady.
Unfolded, it can support a vessel up to 12" in diameter.
You won't be needing your firestarter; the unit features an auto-igniter. And you can literally dial in the flame level.
Comes in three colors.
It's made of stainless steel and weighs 3 lbs. The asking price is $130. You can find lesser-quality Chinese knockoffs on Amazon for less than half that, from companies you've never heard of, and with no guarantee. In contrast, Snow Peak offers a lifetime guarantee on their products. You get what you pay for.