Art Basel Reveals Exhibitor Lineup and New Sector for Its 2025 Edition
Art Basel has unveiled the roster for the 2025 edition of its marquee Swiss fair this summer. Under the direction of Maike Cruse, the flagships’ 55th edition will showcase 291 galleries, hailing from 42 countries and territories, launching its new Premiere sector, dedicated to "ultra-contemporary" artworks.Premiere will highlight 10 galleries displaying works, by up to three artists, created in the past five years. The section will see Chapter NY, presenting Antonia Kuo’s photochemical paintings and Erin Jane Nelson’s ceramics; alongside Beijing’s Magician Space where Liu Ding reflects on multi-valenced trauma in his latest installation Survivors. Making a Basel debut, London’s Edel Assanti will spotlight Lonnie Holley’s multi-medium practice.Other galleries from this year’s newcoming class include Arcadia Missa and François Ghebaly which will participate in the fair’s main Galleries sector with blue-chip heavyweights, such as Pace, Gagosian and Hauser & Writh. Additional first-time exhibitors – Anat Ebgi, Polka Galerie, Fanta-MLN and more – can be seen in Feature and Statements, with booths geared toward art historical and solo presentations.The upcoming edition will also see a return of the Parcours section, titled Second Nature, and a Messeplatz spray takeover by Katharina Grosse.“Art Basel 2025 promises to be a defining moment, showcasing a diverse range of extraordinary artworks, sparking international dialogue, and reinforcing its position as one of the most influential events on the global art calendar,” Cruse expressed in a recent statement.The fair will take place from June 19 to 22 at Messe Basel in Switzerland. Check out the full exhibitor list below.GALLERIES303 Gallery47 CanalA Gentil CariocaMiguel Abreu GalleryAcquavella GalleriesAir de ParisAntenna SpaceApplicat-PrazanThe ApproachArcadia MissaArt : ConceptAlfonso ArtiacoBalice Hertlingvon BarthaBeijing Communegalería elba benítezBernier/Eliadesblank projectsBlumMarianne Boesky GalleryTanya Bonakdar GalleryBortolamiGalerie Isabella BortolozziBQThe BreederBen Brown Fine ArtsGalerie BuchholzCabinetEmanuela CampoliCanadaGalerie Gisela CapitainCardi Gallerycarlier gebauerCarlos/IshikawaCasas RiegnerGaleria Pedro CeraChemould Prescott RoadChertLüddeMehdi ChouakriJames Cohan GallerySadie Coles HQCommonwealth and CouncilContemporary Fine ArtsGalleria ContinuaPaula Cooper GalleryPilar CorriasGalleria Raffaella CorteseCrèvecœurGalerie Chantal CrouselCroy NielsenThomas Dane GalleryMASSIMODECARLOJeffrey DeitchdépendanceDi DonnaEcartGalerie Eigen + Artgalerie frank elbazEmalinEmpty GalleryExperimenterKonrad Fischer GalerieFoksal Gallery FoundationFortes D’Aloia & GabrielFraenkel GalleryPeter Freeman, Inc.Stephen Friedman GalleryFrith Street GalleryGagaGagosianGalerie Christophe GaillardGalerie 1900-2000Galleria dello ScudoFrançois GhebalyGladstone GalleryGomide&CoGalería Elvira GonzálezGoodman GalleryMarian Goodman GalleryMaxwell GrahamGalerie Bärbel GrässlinGrayAlexander Gray AssociatesGarth Greenan GalleryGreene NaftaligreengrassiGalerie Karsten GreveCristina Guerra Contemporary ArtHauser & WirthHazlitt Holland-HibbertHerald StGalerie Max HetzlerHollybush GardensXavier Hufkenshunt kastnerGallery HyundaiTaka Ishii GalleryBernard Jacobson GalleryAlison JacquesGalerie Martin JandaCatriona JeffriesJenkins Johnson GalleryAnnely Juda Fine ArtKadel WillbornCasey KaplanJan KapsKarmaKarma Internationalkaufmann repettoSean KellyTina Keng GalleryKerlin GalleryAnton Kern GalleryKewenigKiang MalingueGalerie Peter KilchmannTina Kim GalleryDavid Kordansky GallerySylvia KouvaliKOWKraupa-Tuskany ZeidlerAndrew Kreps GalleryGalerie KrinzingerNicolas KruppKukje GallerykurimanzuttoLaborGalerie LahumièreLandau Fine ArtLayrGalerie Le MinotaureLehmann MaupinTanya LeightonGalerie Lelong & Co.Lévy Gorvy DayanLisson GalleryLuxembourg + Co.Kate MacGarryMagazzinoMai 36 GalerieGió MarconiMatthew Marks GalleryGalerie Max MayerThe Mayor GalleryMayoralMazzoleniFergus McCaffreyGalerie Greta MeertAnthony MeierGalerie Urs MeileMendes Wood DMMennourMeyer RieggerGalleria Massimo MininiVictoria MiroMnuchin GalleryModern ArtThe Modern Institutemor charpentierJan Motmother’s tankstation limited“Galerie nächst St. Stephan RosemarieSchwarzwälder”Galerie Nagel DraxlerRichard Nagy Ltd.Edward Tyler NahemHelly Nahmad GalleryGalerie NeuneugerriemschneiderGalleria Franco NoeroDavid Nolan GalleryGalerie NordenhakeGalerie Nathalie ObadiaOMRGalleria Lorcan O’Neill RomaP.P.O.WPace GalleryMaureen PaleyPerrotinPetzelGalerie Francesca PiaGaleria Plan BGregor PodnarGalerie Eva PresenhuberProjecteSDGaleria Dawid RadziszewskiAlmine RechReena Spaulings Fine ArtRegen ProjectsThaddaeus RopacLia RummaDeborah SchamoniEsther SchipperGalerie Rüdiger SchöttleGalerie Thomas SchulteSfeir-Semler GalleryJack Shainman GalleryShanghART GallerySies + HökeSikkema Malloy JenkinsSkarstedtSkopia / P.-H. JaccaudSociétéGalerie Pietro SpartàSperone WestwaterSprovieriSprüth MagersNils StærkGalerie Gregor StaigerStampaStandard (Oslo)G

Art Basel has unveiled the roster for the 2025 edition of its marquee Swiss fair this summer. Under the direction of Maike Cruse, the flagships’ 55th edition will showcase 291 galleries, hailing from 42 countries and territories, launching its new Premiere sector, dedicated to "ultra-contemporary" artworks.
Premiere will highlight 10 galleries displaying works, by up to three artists, created in the past five years. The section will see Chapter NY, presenting Antonia Kuo’s photochemical paintings and Erin Jane Nelson’s ceramics; alongside Beijing’s Magician Space where Liu Ding reflects on multi-valenced trauma in his latest installation Survivors. Making a Basel debut, London’s Edel Assanti will spotlight Lonnie Holley’s multi-medium practice.
Other galleries from this year’s newcoming class include Arcadia Missa and François Ghebaly which will participate in the fair’s main Galleries sector with blue-chip heavyweights, such as Pace, Gagosian and Hauser & Writh. Additional first-time exhibitors – Anat Ebgi, Polka Galerie, Fanta-MLN and more – can be seen in Feature and Statements, with booths geared toward art historical and solo presentations.
The upcoming edition will also see a return of the Parcours section, titled Second Nature, and a Messeplatz spray takeover by Katharina Grosse.
“Art Basel 2025 promises to be a defining moment, showcasing a diverse range of extraordinary artworks, sparking international dialogue, and reinforcing its position as one of the most influential events on the global art calendar,” Cruse expressed in a recent statement.
The fair will take place from June 19 to 22 at Messe Basel in Switzerland. Check out the full exhibitor list below.
303 Gallery
47 Canal
A Gentil Carioca
Miguel Abreu Gallery
Acquavella Galleries
Air de Paris
Antenna Space
The Approach
Arcadia Missa
Art : Concept
Alfonso Artiaco
Balice Hertling
von Bartha
Beijing Commune
galería elba benítez
blank projects
Marianne Boesky Gallery
Tanya Bonakdar Gallery
Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi
The Breeder
Ben Brown Fine Arts
Galerie Buchholz
Emanuela Campoli
Galerie Gisela Capitain
Cardi Gallery
carlier gebauer
Casas Riegner
Galeria Pedro Cera
Chemould Prescott Road
Mehdi Chouakri
James Cohan Gallery
Sadie Coles HQ
Commonwealth and Council
Contemporary Fine Arts
Galleria Continua
Paula Cooper Gallery
Pilar Corrias
Galleria Raffaella Cortese
Galerie Chantal Crousel
Croy Nielsen
Thomas Dane Gallery
Jeffrey Deitch
Di Donna
Galerie Eigen + Art
galerie frank elbaz
Empty Gallery
Konrad Fischer Galerie
Foksal Gallery Foundation
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
Fraenkel Gallery
Peter Freeman, Inc.
Stephen Friedman Gallery
Frith Street Gallery
Galerie Christophe Gaillard
Galerie 1900-2000
Galleria dello Scudo
François Ghebaly
Gladstone Gallery
Galería Elvira González
Goodman Gallery
Marian Goodman Gallery
Maxwell Graham
Galerie Bärbel Grässlin
Alexander Gray Associates
Garth Greenan Gallery
Greene Naftali
Galerie Karsten Greve
Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art
Hauser & Wirth
Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert
Herald St
Galerie Max Hetzler
Hollybush Gardens
Xavier Hufkens
hunt kastner
Gallery Hyundai
Taka Ishii Gallery
Bernard Jacobson Gallery
Alison Jacques
Galerie Martin Janda
Catriona Jeffries
Jenkins Johnson Gallery
Annely Juda Fine Art
Kadel Willborn
Casey Kaplan
Jan Kaps
Karma International
kaufmann repetto
Sean Kelly
Tina Keng Gallery
Kerlin Gallery
Anton Kern Gallery
Kiang Malingue
Galerie Peter Kilchmann
Tina Kim Gallery
David Kordansky Gallery
Sylvia Kouvali
Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler
Andrew Kreps Gallery
Galerie Krinzinger
Nicolas Krupp
Kukje Gallery
Galerie Lahumière
Landau Fine Art
Galerie Le Minotaure
Lehmann Maupin
Tanya Leighton
Galerie Lelong & Co.
Lévy Gorvy Dayan
Lisson Gallery
Luxembourg + Co.
Kate MacGarry
Mai 36 Galerie
Gió Marconi
Matthew Marks Gallery
Galerie Max Mayer
The Mayor Gallery
Fergus McCaffrey
Galerie Greta Meert
Anthony Meier
Galerie Urs Meile
Mendes Wood DM
Meyer Riegger
Galleria Massimo Minini
Victoria Miro
Mnuchin Gallery
Modern Art
The Modern Institute
mor charpentier
Jan Mot
mother’s tankstation limited
“Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie
Galerie Nagel Draxler
Richard Nagy Ltd.
Edward Tyler Nahem
Helly Nahmad Gallery
Galerie Neu
Galleria Franco Noero
David Nolan Gallery
Galerie Nordenhake
Galerie Nathalie Obadia
Galleria Lorcan O’Neill Roma
Pace Gallery
Maureen Paley
Galerie Francesca Pia
Galeria Plan B
Gregor Podnar
Galerie Eva Presenhuber
Galeria Dawid Radziszewski
Almine Rech
Reena Spaulings Fine Art
Regen Projects
Thaddaeus Ropac
Lia Rumma
Deborah Schamoni
Esther Schipper
Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle
Galerie Thomas Schulte
Sfeir-Semler Gallery
Jack Shainman Gallery
ShanghART Gallery
Sies + Höke
Sikkema Malloy Jenkins
Skopia / P.-H. Jaccaud
Galerie Pietro Spartà
Sperone Westwater
Sprüth Magers
Nils Stærk
Galerie Gregor Staiger
Standard (Oslo)
Galleria Christian Stein
Luisa Strina
Take Ninagawa
Galerie Bene Taschen
The Third Gallery Aya
Galerie Barbara Thumm
Tokyo Gallery + BTAP
Tornabuoni Art
Trautwein Herleth
Travesía Cuatro
Galerie Tschudi
“Tucci Russo Studio per l’Arte
“Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie
Van de Weghe
Vedovi Gallery
Vielmetter Los Angeles
Vitamin Creative Space
Galleri Nicolai Wallner
Offer Waterman
Michael Werner Gallery
White Cube
Barbara Wien
Galerie Jocelyn Wolff
Yares Art
Galerie Thomas Zander
David Zwirner
Cristea Roberts Gallery
Gemini G.E.L.
knust kunz gallery editions
Carolina Nitsch
René Schmitt
Susan Sheehan Gallery
Almeida & Dale Galeria de Arte
Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Thomas Brambilla
Anat Ebgi
Jean-Kenta Gauthier
Pippy Houldsworth Gallery
Kalfayan Galleries
M77 Gallery
Galerie Mueller
Galería Leandro Navarro
Parker Gallery
Polka Galerie
Repetto Gallery
Jessica Silverman
Galerie Oskar Weiss
Nir Altman
Bridget Donahue
Felix Gaudlitz
Ginny on Frederick
Jahmek Contemporary Art
Franz Kaka
Eli Kerr
Marcelle Alix
Gunia Nowik Gallery
Proyectos Ultravioleta
ROH Projects
sans titre
Soft Opening
Chapter NY
Edel Assanti
Gypsum Gallery
Jacky Strenz
Kosaku Kanechika
LC Queisser
Magician Space
Selma Feriani Gallery