Atomfall - Infiltrators Quest Guide
Investigations can begin in a number of different ways in Atomfall. Sometimes, you can stumble upon a note in the most peculiar location, and it leads you on an epic, multi-hour long quest that ties into the main story of the game. This is the case with the “Infiltrators” quest, which can begin by reading a note inside the railyard building in the center of Slatten Dale.The note comes from a person named Agravaine, who is instructing their comrades to find out what happened to some missing soldiers from five years ago. The note leaves some coordinates for you to follow that lead to where these soldiers were last seen.While this seems like a simple enough start to a quest, there’s much more to the Infiltrators investigation in Atomfall. See the full walkthrough below to complete it. Search Agravaine’s coordinatesThe first step of the quest is to follow the coordinates that Agravaine left in their note at the railyard. Their coordinates are for Casterfell Woods, which is one region over from Slatten Dale. The easiest way to get there is by going through the nearby Sewer Tunnels in the west and northwest of the map. But you can also use a storm drain entrance that Agravaine outlined in their note.In any case, the coordinates you’re looking for in Casterfell Woods are 27.0E 90.6N. This brings you to the northeast part of the region, where you’ll discover a cellar door in front of a house. Enter the cellar to discover that it was being lived in for quite a long time by two soldiers, presumably left behind from the previous mission Agravaine referenced.You can find some notes inside the cellar detailing what happened to the two men. Apparently, one of the men, named Ilya Kozlov, went off to a new location after they both had some run-ins with the local Druids. Your new task now is to find Kozlov’s location. Travel to Skethermoor to find KozlovAccording to the note in the cellar, Kozlov went off to search a location in the region of Skethermoor called “Brinsop Manor.” The manor is located towards the top part of Skethermoor, due east of the starting point in the region if you enter through Wyndham Village.At Brinsop Manor, you’ll discover that it has a bush maze you have to navigate. You’re searching for a cellar towards the house that borders the maze. At the front of the manor, head inside the house, turn left, and then go out the first window you’re able to climb over. From here, head left until you find the cellar, which is tucked away in a corner bordering the house.Inside the cellar, go through its various rooms until you find Ilya Kozlov in the central back room. Kozlov asks what you’re doing there, and you can tell him that you’ve been following his trail since Casterfell Woods. Kozlov mentions he made the right decision coming out here after he learns his comrade succumbed to the voice in the soil. Find materials for Kozlov’s radioAfter some dialogue, Kozlov mentions he has a radio that could break through the interference barrier in the Quarantine Zone and get you both rescued. However, he needs some components to fix the radio. Kozlov requires 10 metal scrap and four glue, which you might already have on you. If you don’t, you can go scrounging around the bunkers across Skethermoor to find what you need.Once you have the materials, bring them to Kozlov so he can fix the radio. However, Kozlov mentions that it will be a while before he knows if the radio can get a signal, so he asks you to come back later. This part of the quest also advances the “Escape” investigation in Atomfall, as Kozlov seemingly has a way out of the zone. Return to KozlovIt’s unclear exactly when you need to return to Kozlov to progress the Infiltrators quest. I waited a few in-game hours and managed to progress, but you could return earlier.Unfortunately, progressing the investigation also means ending it. If you return to the Brinsop Manor Cellar and Kozlov is not in the room he was before, the investigation is over. You can read a note on the center table left behind by Kozlov and it says that the radio was unable to get a signal. As a result, Kozlov has decided to try to find his own way out and asks that you don’t follow him. He also says you’ll never see him again.I haven’t totally confirmed you can’t find Kozlov again, but it seems highly likely, as the Infiltrators investigation is marked as complete after you read the note. This entire quest was simply a ruse designed to give you some false hope about maybe escaping the zone a little earlier than anticipated in Atomfall.

Investigations can begin in a number of different ways in Atomfall. Sometimes, you can stumble upon a note in the most peculiar location, and it leads you on an epic, multi-hour long quest that ties into the main story of the game. This is the case with the “Infiltrators” quest, which can begin by reading a note inside the railyard building in the center of Slatten Dale.
The note comes from a person named Agravaine, who is instructing their comrades to find out what happened to some missing soldiers from five years ago. The note leaves some coordinates for you to follow that lead to where these soldiers were last seen.
While this seems like a simple enough start to a quest, there’s much more to the Infiltrators investigation in Atomfall. See the full walkthrough below to complete it.
Search Agravaine’s coordinates

The first step of the quest is to follow the coordinates that Agravaine left in their note at the railyard. Their coordinates are for Casterfell Woods, which is one region over from Slatten Dale. The easiest way to get there is by going through the nearby Sewer Tunnels in the west and northwest of the map. But you can also use a storm drain entrance that Agravaine outlined in their note.
In any case, the coordinates you’re looking for in Casterfell Woods are 27.0E 90.6N. This brings you to the northeast part of the region, where you’ll discover a cellar door in front of a house. Enter the cellar to discover that it was being lived in for quite a long time by two soldiers, presumably left behind from the previous mission Agravaine referenced.
You can find some notes inside the cellar detailing what happened to the two men. Apparently, one of the men, named Ilya Kozlov, went off to a new location after they both had some run-ins with the local Druids. Your new task now is to find Kozlov’s location.
Travel to Skethermoor to find Kozlov

According to the note in the cellar, Kozlov went off to search a location in the region of Skethermoor called “Brinsop Manor.” The manor is located towards the top part of Skethermoor, due east of the starting point in the region if you enter through Wyndham Village.
At Brinsop Manor, you’ll discover that it has a bush maze you have to navigate. You’re searching for a cellar towards the house that borders the maze. At the front of the manor, head inside the house, turn left, and then go out the first window you’re able to climb over. From here, head left until you find the cellar, which is tucked away in a corner bordering the house.
Inside the cellar, go through its various rooms until you find Ilya Kozlov in the central back room. Kozlov asks what you’re doing there, and you can tell him that you’ve been following his trail since Casterfell Woods. Kozlov mentions he made the right decision coming out here after he learns his comrade succumbed to the voice in the soil.
Find materials for Kozlov’s radio

After some dialogue, Kozlov mentions he has a radio that could break through the interference barrier in the Quarantine Zone and get you both rescued. However, he needs some components to fix the radio. Kozlov requires 10 metal scrap and four glue, which you might already have on you. If you don’t, you can go scrounging around the bunkers across Skethermoor to find what you need.
Once you have the materials, bring them to Kozlov so he can fix the radio. However, Kozlov mentions that it will be a while before he knows if the radio can get a signal, so he asks you to come back later. This part of the quest also advances the “Escape” investigation in Atomfall, as Kozlov seemingly has a way out of the zone.
Return to Kozlov

It’s unclear exactly when you need to return to Kozlov to progress the Infiltrators quest. I waited a few in-game hours and managed to progress, but you could return earlier.
Unfortunately, progressing the investigation also means ending it. If you return to the Brinsop Manor Cellar and Kozlov is not in the room he was before, the investigation is over. You can read a note on the center table left behind by Kozlov and it says that the radio was unable to get a signal. As a result, Kozlov has decided to try to find his own way out and asks that you don’t follow him. He also says you’ll never see him again.
I haven’t totally confirmed you can’t find Kozlov again, but it seems highly likely, as the Infiltrators investigation is marked as complete after you read the note. This entire quest was simply a ruse designed to give you some false hope about maybe escaping the zone a little earlier than anticipated in Atomfall.