How To Find All Atomfall Interchange Doors And Data Store Rooms

The Interchange is at the center of everything in Atomfall. It's the first destination you're told to visit to try and piece together what happened to the world you woke up in. The entire plot of Atomfall revolves around this central location that's mired in mystery and intrigue. Throughout your journey, you're given various leads on how to enter the Interchange. If you explore enough, you'll even discover that the Interchange has an entrance in all four major regions of the Quarantine Zone. Eventually, the mysterious person on the telephone will ask you to find all four Interchange doors. If this task wasn't enough, you're then told to find and power on four Data Store Rooms inside the Interchange to progress the story in Atomfall. If you're struggling with either one of these tasks, don't worry, as we've listed the location of every Interchange and Data Store Room entrance below with map screenshots and coordinates. Slatten Dale Interchange DoorWe're going to start with the individual Interchange doors and then work our way to the Data Store Room entrances, as you can't find all of those until you've located every Interchange entrance. Naturally, the first Interchange door you can find is located in Slatten Dale given it's the first region you discover in Atomfall. The game gives you a quest marker for the Interchange door in Slatten Dale, but you can still see its exact location in the map screenshot above. The entrance is located on the northeastern side of the region, just east of the Railyard and north of the Outlaw Camp. This Interchange door is usually heavily guarded by outlaws roaming the entire area, so you'll either have to fight them or sneak past to enter the facility. Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Slatten Dale: 31.0 E, 77.8 N. Wyndham Village Interchange DoorNext up is the second region you're likely to discover in Atomfall, Wyndham Village. The village is accessed west of the Interchange entrance in Slatten Dale through a separate door that's guarded by Protocol soldiers. You can easily access the village through this door with no resistance, though. Inside Wyndham Village, there's a variety of side quests to embark on, such as Murder in the Church, and key characters to meet. However, if you're looking for the Interchange door, you need to head to the southern side of the village. Specifically, the Interchange door is located at an electrical substation that you'll be trespassing in if you try and head there immediately. The area is guarded by soldiers whom you need to kill to access the door. At the substation, all you need to do is walk up the staircase and use the yellow door to enter the Interchange.The only way to bypass the guards is by getting on Captain Sims' good side. Captain Sims is located in the Protocol Headquarters inside the village, and if you complete some quests for him, you'll be able to pass through any Protocol area and not be confronted by guards. Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Wyndham Village: 33.8 E, 78.3 N. Casterfell Woods Interchange DoorThe third region in Atomfall is Casterfell Woods, home to the Druids, Mother Jago, and a few other "out-there" characters. The woods are a dangerous place for any player, so looking for the Interchange door can be a little risky if you're not prepared with the right weapons or supplies. The Interchange entrance in Casterfell Woods is extremely easy to miss, as it's not near anything significant. To find it, you have to visit the far southeastern part of the region. The only large landmark near the entrance is Datlow Hall, home to the Rook family and a quite enjoyable side quest in Atomfall. There's also the village outskirts nearby to the north. This Interchange door allows you to enter right on through, so once you find it, you can easily use it to access new parts of the Interchange. Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Casterfell Woods: 27.6 E, 83.6 N. Skethermoor Interchange DoorAnd now it's time for the fourth and final region in Atomfall, which also happens to have the most difficult Interchange door to reach. Skethermoor is perhaps the most unforgiving region in the Quarantine Zone, as there dozens of Protocol soldiers that will fire on you at a moment's notice. There's also a plethora of giant robots patrolling different areas, but the robots have a weak spot if you're looking to take them down. The Interchange door in Skethermoor is located in the middle of the region, but slightly to the south of the center. However, to reach the door, you have to go through Skethermoor Prison. The prison is only accessible after you find a Signal Redirector to disable the alarms that go off all along the perimeter of the grounds.Once you're past the alarms, you also have to contend with soldiers, robots, and laser machine guns that are all guarding the door to the Interchange. Specifically, there's a laser gun located right abov

Mar 28, 2025 - 16:26
How To Find All Atomfall Interchange Doors And Data Store Rooms

The Interchange is at the center of everything in Atomfall. It's the first destination you're told to visit to try and piece together what happened to the world you woke up in. The entire plot of Atomfall revolves around this central location that's mired in mystery and intrigue. Throughout your journey, you're given various leads on how to enter the Interchange. If you explore enough, you'll even discover that the Interchange has an entrance in all four major regions of the Quarantine Zone.

Eventually, the mysterious person on the telephone will ask you to find all four Interchange doors. If this task wasn't enough, you're then told to find and power on four Data Store Rooms inside the Interchange to progress the story in Atomfall.

If you're struggling with either one of these tasks, don't worry, as we've listed the location of every Interchange and Data Store Room entrance below with map screenshots and coordinates.

Slatten Dale Interchange Door

We're going to start with the individual Interchange doors and then work our way to the Data Store Room entrances, as you can't find all of those until you've located every Interchange entrance. Naturally, the first Interchange door you can find is located in Slatten Dale given it's the first region you discover in Atomfall.

The game gives you a quest marker for the Interchange door in Slatten Dale, but you can still see its exact location in the map screenshot above. The entrance is located on the northeastern side of the region, just east of the Railyard and north of the Outlaw Camp. This Interchange door is usually heavily guarded by outlaws roaming the entire area, so you'll either have to fight them or sneak past to enter the facility.

Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Slatten Dale: 31.0 E, 77.8 N.

Wyndham Village Interchange Door

Next up is the second region you're likely to discover in Atomfall, Wyndham Village. The village is accessed west of the Interchange entrance in Slatten Dale through a separate door that's guarded by Protocol soldiers. You can easily access the village through this door with no resistance, though.

Inside Wyndham Village, there's a variety of side quests to embark on, such as Murder in the Church, and key characters to meet. However, if you're looking for the Interchange door, you need to head to the southern side of the village. Specifically, the Interchange door is located at an electrical substation that you'll be trespassing in if you try and head there immediately. The area is guarded by soldiers whom you need to kill to access the door. At the substation, all you need to do is walk up the staircase and use the yellow door to enter the Interchange.

The only way to bypass the guards is by getting on Captain Sims' good side. Captain Sims is located in the Protocol Headquarters inside the village, and if you complete some quests for him, you'll be able to pass through any Protocol area and not be confronted by guards.

Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Wyndham Village: 33.8 E, 78.3 N.

Casterfell Woods Interchange Door

The third region in Atomfall is Casterfell Woods, home to the Druids, Mother Jago, and a few other "out-there" characters. The woods are a dangerous place for any player, so looking for the Interchange door can be a little risky if you're not prepared with the right weapons or supplies.

The Interchange entrance in Casterfell Woods is extremely easy to miss, as it's not near anything significant. To find it, you have to visit the far southeastern part of the region. The only large landmark near the entrance is Datlow Hall, home to the Rook family and a quite enjoyable side quest in Atomfall. There's also the village outskirts nearby to the north. This Interchange door allows you to enter right on through, so once you find it, you can easily use it to access new parts of the Interchange.

Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Casterfell Woods: 27.6 E, 83.6 N.

Skethermoor Interchange Door

And now it's time for the fourth and final region in Atomfall, which also happens to have the most difficult Interchange door to reach. Skethermoor is perhaps the most unforgiving region in the Quarantine Zone, as there dozens of Protocol soldiers that will fire on you at a moment's notice. There's also a plethora of giant robots patrolling different areas, but the robots have a weak spot if you're looking to take them down.

The Interchange door in Skethermoor is located in the middle of the region, but slightly to the south of the center. However, to reach the door, you have to go through Skethermoor Prison. The prison is only accessible after you find a Signal Redirector to disable the alarms that go off all along the perimeter of the grounds.

Once you're past the alarms, you also have to contend with soldiers, robots, and laser machine guns that are all guarding the door to the Interchange. Specifically, there's a laser gun located right above the Interchange door that can mow you down if you're not careful.

Here are the exact map coordinates for the Interchange door in Skethermoor: 39.6 E, 73.1 N.

All Data Store Rooms in the Interchange

Now that you have unlocked every Interchange entrance, it's time to locate all four of the Data Store Rooms inside the large facility. The Data Store Rooms are required to find and power on to activate the Central Processing Unit in the Interchange and progress the main story quest in Atomfall.

Unfortunately, not all of the rooms are available to reach from the central Interchange facility. Instead, the easiest way to reach some of them is by going through different Interchange doors, which saves you from having to go through more hoops to get inside each one. We'll explain the method to reach each individual Data Store Room below:

  • Data Store A: This Data Store Room has infected air spread all throughout it. While you can access the room from the ground level of the Interchange, you're likely not going to survive the infected air long enough to power on the Data Store. Instead, the best way to reach Data Store A is by going through the Casterfell Woods entrance to the Interchange. By going that way, all you have to do is go straight southeast from the entrance, and you'll easily reach the top floor of the Data Store, making it much easier to activate it.
  • Data Store B: There's not too much going on in Data Store B, as it doesn't have any kind of puzzle to solve to activate the room. The simplest way to reach this Data Store is to go through the Skethermoor Interchange door and walk west, which leads you straight into the top floor. If you progress the Dr Garrow questline in Atomfall, you'll automatically have to activate Data Store B to progress that investigation.
  • Data Store C: Next up is Data Store C, which is on the southwest side of the Interchange. Once again, this is a fairly straightforward room that can be easily accessed by using the Slatten Dale Interchange door. Be careful, though, as there are often outlaws and soldiers guarding the entrance to this area. If you progress the Joyce Tanner questline in Atomfall, you'll be led straight to Data Store C.
  • Data Store D: Finally, we have Data Store D, which is accessed very similarly to Data Store C. The two Data Stores are right next to each other and you can get to D by simply turning down the opposite path you took to get to C. However, Data Store D is flooded at the bottom and has an electrical current running through the water. You need to use the Signal Redirector to clear the water of electricity so you can open a door on the bottom floor, which contains the ability to upgrade weapons in Atomfall.

And that's all of the Data Store Room entrances in Atomfall. Every time you power on a Data Store, you'll need an Atomic Battery to insert into the room's processing unit. However, this is required to reach the end of Atomfall and open up new routes all across the Interchange, making navigation through the facility much easier.