Making of Support Independent Type II
We couldn’t be happier with the production of Support Independent Type II! It not only... Der Beitrag Making of Support Independent Type II erschien zuerst auf slanted.

We couldn’t be happier with the production of Support Independent Type II! It not only celebrates the vibrant world of independent type design, it beautifully showcases the craftsmanship and high quality of our trusted partners: Druckerei Stober for printing, Buchbinderei Spinner for binding, and Reflex for their premium paper. A true celebration of materiality and precision!
One of the book’s highlights is the semi-transparent paper IBO, which interacts with the layers beneath—most notably on the dust jacket. We also took a bold step by printing white and black colors on a fully transparent paper, and the result is simply stunning! This level of detail and experimentation is only possible when all collaborators work together so seamlessly.
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