Zeturf joins IBIA during potential acquisition period
Zeturf has joined the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA), which means it will feed into the IBIA’s network. Paul Klomp of Zeturf group commented on the news: “I am very pleased that we have entered into this international cooperation between leading operators of sports betting. “The integrity of sports and especially those we offer bets […] Cet article Zeturf joins IBIA during potential acquisition period est apparu en premier sur JO YANA.
Zeturf has joined the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA), which means it will feed into the IBIA’s network. Paul Klomp of Zeturf group commented on the news: “I am very pleased that we have entered into this international cooperation between leading operators of sports betting. “The integrity of sports and especially those we offer bets […]
Cet article Zeturf joins IBIA during potential acquisition period est apparu en premier sur JO YANA.